Hog Hunting Tips for Beginners

Bringing the right supplies on your hog hunt is key to having a successful hunt. Here is a list of items you should bring with you:

-A good knife for skinning and gutting the hog

-A rifle or shotgun and ammunition

-A thermal imaging scope or night vision goggles (if hunting at night)


-Calls or decoys (if using them)

-A GPS system or maps of the area

-A flashlight

-First aid kit

-Firearm cleaning supplies

Tips for finding hogs

Hogs are not shy animals and can often be found rooting around in fields during the day. However, they are most active at night so if you are hunting at night, you will need to use thermal imaging or night vision goggles to spot them. You can also use calls or decoys to attract hogs.

Tips for stalking hogs

Hogs have poor eyesight but excellent hearing and a keen sense of smell. When stalking hogs, it is important to be downwind of them so they cannot scent you. Move slowly and quietly, and stay low to the ground. If possible, wear camouflage clothing.

Tips for shooting hogs

When you have a clear shot, aim for the hog’s brain or heart/lung area. This will ensure a quick and humane kill. Remember that hogs are tough animals with thick skin, so you will need a powerful rifle or shotgun to take them down.

Tips for cleaning and processing hogs

Once you have killed a hog, you will need to clean and process it as soon as possible. First, remove the hide by making a cut around the hind legs and then pulling the skin off. Next, gut the hog by making a slit along the belly and removing the intestines and organs. Finally, cut the meat into manageable pieces and put it on ice or in a cooler.

What to do with the meat after you’ve killed it

Hog meat is versatile and can be used in many different dishes. It can be smoked, grilled, roasted, or made into sausage.

If you are not planning on eating the meat yourself, you can donate it to a local food bank or charity.

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